Sunday, July 08, 2007

My intentions are great. My reality is much different. Every time I think about posting, all I can think of are the various complaints from my day. Which is SO not the purpose of this. Being thankful AND present every day sounds very simple. Its amazing that it just isn't while I am six months pregnant and chasing an almost 3 year old around who picks and chooses when to listen to me. Deep breath. Time to focus.

Some things to be grateful for today:
Yummy zucchini bread made from the ones my neighbor gave me.
A new haircut. I love getting my hair done!
Liam - pretending he's typing on a computer (the windowsill) and asking me what my favorite fire truck is.

It's only 3:00, odds are there is more coming today.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Be thankful. Be present.

I finally figured out what I could use this blog for. I have had it for a long time and just have not used it. I am in the process of shifting my focus to become more grateful and present in my daily life. I realized that I have become very cynical and pessimistic over the last few years and not always present. I am not happy about this change. I do not want to raise my children like that. This blog is a way to explore this process, document my journey and track progress.